Last week I came up with the idea of what I coined "an emergency indie mix tape". In a world where MP3's and CD's are the currency of music, tapes have become forever lost and increasingly indie. Even vinyl still has it's place in today's music circles, but the humble audio tape has become lost in the ages.

But what, assuming I can find some blank audio tape, will go on my indie mix tape? Some rummaging through the interweb and I came up with this... user Martynas from Lithuania's "indie mix tape". It's pretty awesome, though it does include The Killers and The Arctic Monkeys. There's also an interesting discussion on one of the forums which should inspire some ideas.
This is going to be a long, arduous task to undertake. But I'll manage it somehow. If you've any suggestions or ideas do leave them in comments. I fear this is a task too great for one man, so any help is appreciated.
Today's photo is by Laura Crossett aka NewRambler from Wyoming, who apparently has an awesome mix tape collection.
Suggestion 1:
Shady Lane by Pavement
i'm pretty sure you can't have an indie mixed CD without some pavement, there have been reports that without pavement indie mixed taps explode... might have heard that on fox come to think of it.
good points and the details are more specific than somewhere else, thanks.
- Murk
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