Wednesday 16 May 2007

Hard Work.

if you are a regular reader of my wise words you are probably very worried about now because i haven't posted anything in a while, don't fear, your favourite indie guru isn't dead or isn't as yet to indie to post things online. I'm doing my finals which is arguably more important at the moment. just keep yourself busy, post comments about how much you miss me and i'll be back with a shiny new instalment on Saturday afternoon/night. so just keep your flares on!


Chip said...

Well, I for one will be waiting ever so patiently for the next installment.

In the meantime I'll be listening to my music of wildly varying obscurity and rumaging around the Eager Beaver for those ever elusive flares or perhaps a pair of slightly too tight emo jeans... who knows...? I sure don't.

Andy said...

I miss you terribly. (Who are you?)

Seb Berkovich said...

Aw.. nice to know i'm being missed.
enjoy my post-exam post.