Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Indie With Accents!

Sometimes it's really nice to hear a strong accent in a singer's voice. It can sometimes be enough to make an otherwise average band or song interesting enough to keep my attention.
Here are a few examples of that:

Duke Special: "Irish (Northern)"

Well his songs aren't particualrly brilliant but he doesn't fall short at being "nice to listen to". He sports what was, from the 60's to 80's, the number one must-have terrorist accent. It's sad to see it lose the top spot to the Arabs; its coffin nailed by chirpy 16 year-old girls giggling about how cute it is.

The Mountain Goats. "American (West Coast)"

They're a pretty well known band at this point and I quite like their music but if i am to be honest, only in short bursts. They're touring Australia & New Zealand at the moment so if you're dossing around that part of the world you should drop in and take a look.

Malcolm Middleton: "Scottish (Glasgow)"

If there ever existed a more depressed songwriter it's likely they committed suicide midway through their first song. Despite that, and an accent that could start a bar fight in less than four syllables, he's done some great work that often helps me remember that there is someone out there worse off than me... and he's ginger.

Soko: "French (Not Paris)"

She doesn't have too much music out yet. Last i checked she was working on an album. The music that she has released is a big slice of "crazy girl brain". Most people understand how girls can be at times frighteningly neurotic. Luckily for humanity most ladies are well aware of it and often get away with simply thinking things like; "This may be a first date, but i want your babies". Sometimes girls will inadvertently say these things. But then we come to Soko... Who writes songs about her craziness... Luckily they're very good.

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