Of course there are other indie albums that, while the creation process is identical, by some fluke the album name appears to be very well liked. Here are some examples:

Sparklehorse: Vivadixiesubmarinetransmissionplot
Mark Linkous came up with this name for his debut album back in '95. He's pretty lucky the album is so good, cos if you had to order it over a counter or something you might have given up in favour of the Foo Fighters or something. So perhaps it was his plan to keep the album indie by making it impossible to ask for.

Belle and Sebastian: Fold your Hands Child, You Walk Like A Peasant
A band of great album names, matched only by their great albums. The unique albums names started with "If You're Feeling Sinister", that was subsequently topped by "The Boy with the Arab Strap" which itself was beaten by the album above. While "Dear Catastrophe Waitress" deserves an honourable mention, "Fold your hands child, you walk like a peasant" was taken from the wall of a toilet cubicle and so wins outright on trivia. Ironically, Tigermilk, the tamest of B&S album names is probably their best album.

Of Montreal: Satanic Panic in the Attic
Another band of great album names, the source of which is unknown to me. But I like to think it's a case of say what you see (while stoned) sort of inspiration. That would probably explain this album as well as "The Gay Parade", "The Bedside Drama A Petite Tragedy" and perhaps "Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer".

Yo La Tengo: And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside-Out
This album is quite something, I've talked about this album to a lot of different people on several different continents and iIve discovered that this album name, when quoted has the power to force a uniform response from any listener. Irrelevant of colour, creed or taste in music, quote "And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside out" and "WHAT?" religiously follows.
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