Thursday, 18 September 2008

Indie, Always The Chearper Music Choice.

While I've talked about a lot of great features to surrendering yourself to the indie cause, such as an eternal delusion of grandeur and being able to wear flares without people assuming your out of touch. Now comes yet another reason to love Indie music, a massive amount of indie music is FREE! yes that's right, no longer will you be forking out money for music the indie genre is packed full of wannabe socialists who would rather remain in obscurity and poverty than take any money for their music. lets jump ahead and take a look at an example!

Billie the Vision and the Dancers

This wonderful group of indie-pop Swedes have just released their 4th album I Used to Wander These Streets (pictured above) and just as with their 1st, 2nd and 3rd album it's available completely free to download right here on their site... it's also available to buy which i actually attempted but only to those folk lucky enough to live in the social experiment known as Sweden can do that. I've chosen a song from each album to help you get a taste for them

I Used to Wander These Streets:
You’re Not Giving Up On Me
Where the Ocean Meets My Hand:
A Beautiful Night in Oslo
The World According To Pablo:
A Man From Argentina
I Was So Unpopular In School:
Nobel Square

(and tell me what you think)

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