The punk that had survived the 70's and 80's, became more melancholic and evolved into Grunge. But then the 90's moved on, and Grunge transformed into that Pop-Punk (which is itself an oxymoron) which in turn became Emo over time.

But is grunge dead? Turns out it's not! Former Grunge expert Chris Cornell has a brother it would seem, and Peter (that's Mr. Peter Cornell to us), is still going around with what can only be described as the indiest grunge band in the world. Black Market Radio, possibly the world's sole remaining grunge band (though probably not). Not many pictures of them exist on the interweb, but the do have 1 LP and an EP and are relatively well known, at least in America. Their Myspace page has a few songs up, but no gig listings or much to show if they even still exist. Even their website has no news as to their fate... Let's just hope they're still out there. If Pop Punk is Pop, then Grunge is Indie, and the world needs more of those bands.
I couldn't find a photo of Peter under a CC licence, so here's a nice one of Chris from Nicola T, who her profile states is "Female and Taken".
I heard they played a show recently in NYC, but don't know the details. They kind of fell off the face of the earth a few months back.
I hope they're still giging, it'd be a shame if they weren't any more. I would travel to America to see them... I think they're that good.
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