Tuesday, 7 July 2009

A Story For Little Indie Folk

i've always objected to fairy tails that encourages children to accept other people's differences in some sort of mutual respect thing.
Why not a story where one idiot.. let's call him Colin the mango. Gets talking to Kevin the microwave. Colin says
"hey there, have you heard of Lady GaGa, she's makes great music". "nope your confusing music with contrived bullshit" says Kevin who walks away never to have to listen to Colin's shit ever again.

it may need some fleshing out, but the content is probably about right. anyway for people who are interested in a story with a lovely indie life lession, one that perhaps isn't quite harsh enough, but it's a good start, take a gander at this:

it was created by an american guy called Dimitri Frazao, who has other stuff to watch here. keep up the good work

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