Miranda July
This lovely lady from the indie capital of the America; Portland, Oregon has been able to create some really special work, in so many different mediums that it's hard to know exactly where to start. So i think i'll start with my first introduction to Miranda, which was a film which she, wrote, directed and stared in. Me and You and Everyone We Know, this is a great platform to begin the journey into Miranda's work. The movie gives away the theme of most of Miranda's work. Take very average everyday people, add just a drop of weird to each of them and suddenly you've got a whole lot of weird, that your going to think seems perfectly normal, because the moral of the story is that everyone is in fact a little weird. This is a fantastic film, and it's worth your time to get it.

In other fronts she has a website where she would ask people to participate in doing something like (Assignment #11) Photograph a scar and write about it, people do so and you've got yourself an online exhibit. take a look here. there's some really interesting ones.
She also has herself a very odd experimental spoken word album as well as a really enjoyable book of short stories called No One Belongs Here More Than You. There is lots more stuff out there that Miranda is up to and it's a lot of fun searching around and trying to find what she's up to next. i've certainly become a big fan of hers.
Agreed, she does rock muchly... in an indie way of course! Plus is cute as a button.... an indie button of course. Shall consider submitting my scar and WINNING this exhibition of hers..... a hard-core metal win tho I'm afraid
always thought you and her would get on quite well
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