Wednesday, 18 February 2009

One Season Shows..

I'm not really one to watch TV, generally i find turning on the telly and then choosing what to watch is a distant second my other option. Deciding what to watch and then turning on my computer and watching it... with out being sold something every 10 minuets. Those few times i have been drawn to watch TV have been short lived and here are 3 great shows i love that where sadly cancelled after just one series.

1) Downtown

The summer of 1999 on MTV was actually watched by people other than 15 year old girls with no interest in music. This was the twilight of what has become known "MTV with music" soon i'm sure there will be a trivial pursuit question confusing us all as to the humble beginnings of the most popular reality tv channel. Back then they had Downtown, a unique, surreal and wonderfully animated 13 episode series. It's a perfect cast of realistic no-bodies living in New York City. I loved this series and while you can't buy it, there are recordings out there.
if you can find them.

2) Freaks and Geeks

This short lived creation of Paul Feig has a very special place in my heart. while i can't say that life in an American high school in the late 70's early 80's is anything i can deeply relate to, i do find myself at home with the characters. The 18 episodes certainly aren't enough to fully expore them... the end of this show was like loosing a friend. For those of you who feel the same, you should get your hands on the Books by Paul Feig, it turns out a surprising number of the funniest moment of the series actually happened in Mr. Feigs youth. Including a few others that certainly are best left in the chapter of Superstud entitled "Please don't read this chapter".

3) Wonderfalls

An underachieving, pessimistic, self centred girl find that inanimate objects with faces talk to her and tell her to do things, some times good things (which she's generally apathetic to) somethings oddly evil things, either way things are not the same for anyone involved afterwards. This was a really interesting show with very cool characters. i morn it's 2004 demise. I count my self lucky to have seen it at all, as my girlfriend was the one who put me on to it long after it had disappeared.

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