Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Indie Ear Bleeders

Some times an Indie band is so ground braking and unique that your ears literally bleed with joy at there insane chaotic greatness. This alternative music genre is an important part of indie, often helping to weed out people who assume indie music is some how bound by abstract pop music concepts like Cords, Rhythm and Talented Singers. The fine trail blazers i shall describe to you have avoided so many music paradigms that simply calling it 'music' is about as accurate as referring to Adolph Hitler as "That relatively good Austrian economist". Similarly these bands may use instruments to product sound but that is where the similarities with other musicians ends.

1) The Shaggs

Some time in 1968 a man called Austin Wiggin was approached by his wife who claimed that after a palm reading years earlier she had been told that their daughters would earn great success in a band. Austin of course a man of logic and reason understood that this would be pretty unlikely considering none of the girls played any instroments or had any interesting in music at all. So he had no choice but to take the girls out of school, buy them instroments and make them form and a band. this resuled is music history:
here is one of their song 'My Pal Foot Foot'

2) Wesley Willis

There are over 50 albums from this talented schizophrenic who pressed the auto cord button on a casio keyboard while he ranted about various topic from crime and violent confrontations to bus routs and McDonalds. just.. wow.. there is just too much to say about this guy so i'll let his "sound" do the talking. Here is one of my favourits Rock n' Roll McDonands, enjoy

3) Daniel Johnston

Mr Johnston is a lot more well known then most in his genre for a few reasons. Kurt Cobain wore a t-shirt with Daniels first album on it so people thought he must be ok, there's in fact a documentary about him The Devil and Daniel Johnston. and of course he's an absolute loon, so stories about him, including chasing a woman out of the window of her apartment because she had demons in her or something. Causing the plan himself and his dad were in to crash by taking the keys out of the ignition in mid air, because he thought he was Casper have made him an easy guy to have a conversation about.. here Livin' Life a song i very much enjoy:

At this point i must admit, that i have not only listened to these bands often, but on several occasions i enjoyed it, it really does take a particular mood for anyone to listen and enjoy this little branch of indie but if you find yourself wanting to hear something that's going to dull your senses for a while this can be better than drugs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this ! My favorite song by Daniel hands down