you would think that "PS I love you" would be enough to convince anyone to take their own lives, but sadly this is just the tip of the iceberg. The following is a helpful guide of terrible movies to expect from the coming year. I hope that this will help you to be more prepared for incoming assault on your senses.
This is another movie in which a monster decides that he has reached the point of his life that he feels it's time to attack New York. The monster probably spent most of his early years on the Japanese comedy circuit and after hearing how well Godzilla made it in New York packed his bags and left to find fame and glory. Instead he found the director from "Under Siege 2" and the writer from "Buffy the vampire slayer". In many ways this movie is about the exploitation of good hard working monsters by terrible writers and directors.
The good news is that Pixar have run out of animals. The bad news is that they have awoken the dark evil that is... 80's cinema! For those of you who are looking at this lovable guy and are thinking "haven't i seen him somewhere before" you'd be right; you saw him here. Wall-e is in fact a character that Pixar stole from the 1986 "hit movie" Short Circuit. I'm worried about where this trend is going, could we see the regurgitation of countless 80's tripe. God knows the music industry has been coughing up old relics from the 80's for almost 2 decades now. I think i see dark times ahead.
Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay
With the first 2 movies.. i told you about terrible direction, writing and originality. this is going to hit a new level for me. i'm going to try and find something good about it. We all know that it's going to almost completely terrible, but if i find the one good thing about it, we can all assume that everything else is bad...
After some research i found something! John Cho who plays one of the leads in this piece of she wasn't always so bad! Back in 1999 he played a "Night Club Cleaner" in Bowfinger.
How can someone fall so far...
Sex & The City: The Movie
Ever suddenly get an uncontrollable urge to move into a bomb shelter? Or perhaps move four aging women beside a bomb? Either one of these feelings are legitimate. The second one perhaps more appropriate. the good news is that perhaps Harold and Kumar have some competition for most depressingly bad movie of the year.
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