Sunday, 12 August 2007

"Quoting is for pretentious people with a good memory"

I gotta say i love quoting people, the one above comes from Niall P. Deehan.
Here are some about "Indie" and don't forget if you can't remember who said something just think of a name in your head and say it with conviction! no one likes to argue with someone with conviction.

"All you needed was a couple of instruments and a few chords and you could be on an indie label."
David Byrne

"First off, I don't want anyone to think I'm this huge thing in Japan. Every group from here that's made any records over any length of time - even indie bands - have a Cheap Trick effect in Japan. "
Matthew Sweet

and my personal favourite:

"I will never sign to a major record label again. If, by some mega fluke, a record of mine looked like it might break big, I'd try and do it via an indie or somehow license it. I'm not having my music owned by those corporate bastards again."
Malcolm Wilson.

Now after my brief search for Quotes on indie. i realized that in fact there are VERY few quotable indie representatives. i hope to be the one to end that trend. Here are a few quotes, choice pieces of wisdom from my own memory, which i suggest be studied and repeated.

"The first time i truly realized i was indie, was when i found myself to be the only member of the audience at a terrible gig in Dublin on a Monday night, and being delighted about it"
S. Berkovich

"It's better to have loved and lost, but it's best to have loved their early stuff first."
Sebastian E. B.

"Someone once asked me 'if you couldn't be indie, what other social group would you be?'. i of course answered 'None'. she replied 'don't be stupid, only girls can be nuns'"
S. E. Berkovich


zul- said...

The last three quotes were my favourites, although the three of them were from the same person but with differently arranged names. haha.

i try to produce an indie quote, but at 2.40am in the morning, i just can't.

Seb Berkovich said...

well i wouldn't advise you to start thinking to much that time of night. who knows what you'd be quoting, your brain probably thinks your sleeping.

zul- said...

hah, you are right. i probably am sleeping right now. what time is it there?

Seb Berkovich said...

it's just about 9 o'clock here, dark, cold.. i THINK the rain has stopped. so its not ALL bad.

zul- said...

:) ah, how are you berko?

Seb Berkovich said...

today.. i started my finals today. to cut a long story short.. i sat my exam in the wrong room (which wasn't my fault) and had to go from what i can only discribe as "not the easyiest exam in the world" to ensure i'd be in the right place for my next exams.
thank god it's over.. and it's only 14:30

zul- said...

wow, what are you taking? do you have msn or something? it'll be better for us. haha

Seb Berkovich said...

My MSN address is on my profile. anyone is more than welcome to find me on it.

CypheR said...

haha. Heres a few quotes I found:

"you know youre indie when only some random bloke by the name of Seb came to your gig."
- J.Adam

"my band is the most indie band on this planet, were so obscure that we never even jammed together, we dont even know whos in the band."
- Jeremy A.

hehe.hav fun n good luck for papers