For a band that's been around for ages, Idlewild slipped under my radar for a long time. I had known about them for a long while, but never paid too much attention to them. That is until of course I came across their new album.
Post Electric Blues is a much produced album than their others, losing a bit of their raw sound from earlier albums (call it maturity or whatever... narc). The result is pretty good though. Songs like "Younger Than America" and "Dreams of Nothing" are fine examples of their latest incarnation of their sound, while "Take Me Back To The Islands" and "Take Me Back In Time" (I'm noticing a pattern), are slower more introspective and a little seemingly out of place, but still awesome. As per usual, I'll let you make up your mind, I'm not your mother after all.
In other news, apologies to those who I haven't sent the mixtape to yet (I'll get to it soon, promise), and to those who have got their copy I hope you liked it. Also, I particularly liked this comic today...